30 Sep Competition! – National Safe Work Month
October has once again been designated National Safe Work Month by Safe Work Australia and HBA, as a leading provider of Work Health and Safety qualifications, would like to do our bit to help raise awareness. The theme for 2024 is; Safety is Everyone’s Business.
To help raise awareness, HBA is going to offer four (4) weekly competitions in October and each week we will have a question related to the theme as designed by Safe Work Australia.
The themes and questions are are:
Week 1 (Entries accepted between Monday 30th Sep – 4th Oct) – Work Health and Safety Fundamentals
Work Health and Safety is driven by legislation and is to be supported by process. To meet the legislative requirements there are certain fundamentals that are required to be in position. The total list is extensive and includes such things as Risk assessment, Hazard Identification etc. Provide a list off fundamental elements you believe drive good Work Health and Safety in your workplace. It would be helpful if you could let us know the industry segment you work in.
Week 2 (Entries accepted between Tuesday 8th – 11th October) – Psychosocial Hazards
Psychosocial Hazards are broadly defined as those things that cause stress in the workplace, Bullying, Hazing and Discrimination are only 3 examples we can all relate to. This type of Hazard includes the things that are not Chemical, Biological or Physical (the 3 categories of occupational hazard). Psychosocial Hazards can have dire consequences including (but not limited to) depression, psychiatric disorders, workplace violence and suicide. As much as we would all like to see this type of hazard removed in its entirety it is common to find it in many industry segments. We would like to read of an experience you have had where this has been managed poorly and please, no names of individuals or companies.
Week 3 (Entries accepted between Monday 14th-18th October) – Risk Management Fundamentals
Risk is defined as the likelihood of something that can cause injury, death, loss or difficulty and one could argue that managing Risk effectively would eliminate the need for any injury in the workplace but that is somewhat unrealistic as we are talking about people and some folk do things that at times, are simply unexplainable. In assessing Risk, we follow a step-by-step process which allows us to apply a rating and an appropriate control to it. Normally our control mechanism is determined after conducting a formal risk assessment and then referring to the Hierarchy of Controls. What involvement have you had in assessing Risk? What was the Risk and how did you manage it?
Week 4 (Entries accepted between Monday 21st-25th October) – Musculoskeletal Injuries
The model Work Health and Safety Regulations define musculoskeletal disorders as ‘an injury to, or disease of, the musculoskeletal system, whether occurring suddenly or over time’. This definition does not include an injury caused by ‘crushing, entrapment or cutting resulting principally from the mechanical operation of plant’. (https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/system/files/documents/1912/work-related_musculoskeletal_disorders_in_australia_0.pdf). If we consider what causes these types of injuries, Hazards are the answer therefore controlling Hazards is of the utmost importance. In your time in the workplace, you would have seen some Musculoskeletal injuries, and we would like to know about the one that sticks in your mind. What was the Hazard? What was the injury? What control was supposed to be applied to the Hazard?
All entries for a particular week will be read at 4pm on the Friday that follows, and the winner will be chosen and announced on our website the following Monday (except for the week of the 7th of September – the winner will be announced on the Tuesday for that particular week..
The winner of each week’s entries will be chosen by our Managing Director whose decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Some entries will be available for all to read on our web site and the winning article will carry the authors first name and the suburb they reside in. Any names of companies or individuals in the entries will be deleted.
Each of the 4 winners will receive a free BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety course to be taken at any time over the following 12 months.
Note: If you hold or are currently enroled into a BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety you may transfer the free course to someone of your choosing.
But what if I don’t win?
Do not worry! Each entry will be given a discount, should they choose to enrol.
If you enter into the competition and enrol between the 30th of September to the 31st of October you will receive;
BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
Self-paced: Normally $950, down to $850
Blended (5-day workshop): $1500, down to $1300
Note: If you hold or are currently enroled into a BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety you may transfer the discount to someone of your choosing.
How to Enter?
All you need to do is email your experience to [email protected]. Please put your name and suburb you live in, plus the theme you are entering for.
So, sharpen up your safety awareness and get ready to write articles highlighting some of your work life experiences.
Your experience just might save a life.