What is involved in upgrading to tae40122 certificate iv in training and assessment? What is involved in upgrading to tae40122 certificate iv in training and assessment

What is involved in upgrading to TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?

If we think of the top 4 questions we receive from the marketplace every day, the above is a constant. To start, we would like to highlight there is no legislative requirement in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 for a Trainer and/or Assessor to hold the TAE40122 qualification if they hold the minimum requirement which is:

  1. TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, plus the Units of Competency:
  • TAELLN401A or TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills, AND
  • TAEASS502A/B or TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools


  1. TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

There is a move within VET employers to ask for the latest qualification and it is this, plus the fear of being non-current that is driving the demand.

In both TAE40110 and TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment there were electives, 3 in the former and 1 in the latter. Each RTO chose its own electives dependent upon the cohort it was trying to attract thus, there is no universal answer to the above question. As a rule of thumb, we are finding those that hold the TAE40110 qualification can receive up to 4 units of competency by Credit Transfer and those with the TAE40116 qualification typically receive 2.

If you wish to know exactly what Units of Competency you will be required to complete, simply send your previous TAE qualification AND Statement of Results (testamur) to [email protected]  and we will map what you hold against the existing 12 units at no cost for you. Additionally, we will provide you with the cost to complete by either self-paced learning or a 5-day blended delivery learning pathway.

There is also a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) pathway available.

For further information download the information pack which is to be found https://hba.edu.au/course/skills-gap-training-tae40122-certificate-iv-in-training-assessment/