Recognition of prior learning (rpl) claims recognition of prior learning rpl claims

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Claims

Of recent times we are receiving a large number of RPL claims for BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety from folk who hold a superseded OHS qualification, usually a BSB41407 or BSB51307 code.

These claims are made complex as there was no entry requirement for BSB51307 Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety thus there is a conflict between the OHS and WHS pathways. The Training Package is very clear that to gain entry into BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety one must hold the core Units of Competency of the BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety. We have asked the Regulator and the Skills Service Organisation for a ruling on what our position should be on this and the answer is we must follow the Training Package rules thus, anyone who wishes to apply for RPL from an OHS qualification to a WHS qualification has several steps in the process.

To determine what steps you need to take, should you wish to update your superseded qualification, simply drop us a line to [email protected] and send us a copy of your qualification and the statement of results together with your resume and we will provide you with an informal opinion at no cost.