As the years have gone by and we have continued to enrol thousands of people from all walks of life into the various Work Health and Safety qualifications we facilitate, it has dawned on me just how serious our role is as an RTO. I...

Of recent times we are receiving a large number of RPL claims for BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety from folk who hold a superseded OHS qualification, usually a BSB41407 or BSB51307 code. These claims are made complex as there was no entry requirement for BSB51307...

As a Work Health and Safety (WHS) trainer, this is one of the most common questions I am asked. The short answer is yes. Each year there are unacceptable numbers of workplace injuries, from minor injuries requiring first aid to catastrophic, life altering incidents. These incidents...

One of the interesting subjects we have read about in recent times is Work Related Stress. We have all seen people under stress and, we know some folk are more susceptible to it than others but to learn it is the second most common cause...

How often does something happen that could have injured us, but doesn’t and we think wow, that was lucky and we move on. For example: An employee trips over an extension cord that lies across the floor, but avoids a fall by grabbing the corner of...

In a theoretical world every Hazard would be identified and an appropriate control would be placed on it thus there would be zero near misses, incidents, injuries and accidents. Unfortunately you and I live in an imperfect world and as the old saying goes “stuff...

The Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act 2011 is the Federal legislation that governs Safety in Australia. It was introduced with the intention of providing a model for harmonised legislation across all jurisdictions in our country. As per any legislation it undergoes amendments from time to...